Online data rooms are a great way to manage, store and share documents. They are perfect for any project that requires sharing sensitive documents with third-party parties. For example due diligence in M&A deals or fundraising. Intellectual property is an important issue in the life sciences sector. VDRs allow you to send documents securely online to investors or clients. This lets them quickly find the information they require.

Choose a company that provides robust security features such as multi-factor authentication, and the option of restoring accidentally deleted files. Also, look for a «View As» tool that allows users to see what their access rights will be prior to deciding to login. Some vendors also provide different options for deployment, meaning you can deploy a virtual data room to specific projects or a wide group of users.

A reliable online dataroom should offer a simple and logical setup that is as easy to comprehend for CFOs as it is be for an entry-level accountant. It should offer the flexibility of deployment, single sign-on across all projects, as well as the ability for users to customize the logo and terms of service and overall appearance and feel. It is recommended to choose a company that lets you pay per page, or by the number users. This will eliminate any unpleasant surprises.

A VDR equipped with a smart search feature will allow you to quickly locate files within the platform, and also indexing features help administrators organize the room’s structure. A lot of providers offer Q&A functions which allow administrators to effectively deal with questions from counterparties.

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