Get Out of the Online Email Loop!

Get Out of the Online Email Loop!

If you’re exchanging endless emails that never lead to dates, we’ll explain how to break the cycle (Sponsored by Match)

You save him as a “favorite,” and he sends you a wink. After that, a string of emails follow, each more enticing and engaging than the next. But while the growing number of emails, texts, and flirty DMs whet your appetite for a face-to-face date, the object of your growing affection seems content with your ever-blossoming virtual relationship.

“It’s really weird,” says Dan N., a 29-year-old comedian from Manhattan. “The thing is, I would imagine that if the person responded to you, there would be some sort of interest in getting together. But it doesn’t happen every time. I’ll be emailing back and forth with a girl and I’ll ask, ‘Hey, do you want to get together for coffee or a drink?’ But then you don’t hear anything for a while. Or suddenly, she’s really busy this week and next week, but maybe she can do it in two weeks. It’s like the other person keeps pushing it forward and pushing it forward, but it never actually happens.”

Why people drag their feet in taking things offline

Suzanne Schlosberg, author of The Curse of the Singles Table, says this kind of online foot-dragging behavior drove her crazy back in her dating days. (She’s now married to someone she met on Match a few years ago)

“I found that endless emailing was ridiculous, because there’s no way you can predict chemistry in person based on your shared chemistry online,” Schlosberg says. “One person’s voice could annoy you or a guy may remind you of a horrible ex-boyfriend in person. I had a lengthy email affair with this one guy and we went back and forth for a month, emailing daily.Seguir leyendo