We’ve been together for almost 2 years and I even moved to her school to keep the relationship alive

We’ve been together for almost 2 years and I even moved to her school to keep the relationship alive

Whatever you do, avoid begging or it’ll only damage all chances you have of getting him back. Keep calm and be patient. If you’ve made significant changes since the breakup, it’ll be a matter of time that he takes notice but you shouldn’t do anything that might jeopardize that chance and push him away.

I’m 22years old this year, me and my ex had been together for 1and half year,after I went to college I found a guy whom I started seeing.. at first it felt right but my ex found out and I denied in the first place but he found vivid evidence and broke up with me.. it’s almost a year now and I haven’t talked to him but I’m tormented I want him back and I don’t know how to start.

You could use this article for more information on reaching out to an ex again after a long time. I would advise you to take things slow and be patient, especially if he responds negatively at the start.

i kissed a boy multiple of times and my boyfriend found out, we broke up today and i dont know what to do. i love him, he’s someone i trust and i hurt him.Seguir leyendo