Your right th, my h ow honestly believed my kids would love her, and want her over me

Your right th, my h ow honestly believed my kids would love her, and want her over me

She did tell him she loved him, but assures me that as soon as she said it, she regretted it

Those messages, emails even the most innocuous are devastating. What makes me sick is what my H gossiped to her about me. WTF why couldn’t he leave me out of it? What kind of man gossips about someone who takes care of him? Well now I don’t take care of him. We are on equal footing. I work full time now and if he wants to eat dinner well he has to help make it. OK I do his laundry, BUT I SWEAR THAT’S IT. ok and his ironing…..ULK I’m hopless.

Hang in there you are on the right road by cutting that princess loose. There’s a real Queen out there ready to give as good as she gets!Seguir leyendo